BRAFour Villa Typehouses

  • Status:
  • Typology:
  • Location:Bokacky (SK)
  • GBA:1.870 m²
  • Year:2010-02
  • PS:1

BRA – Four Villa Typehouses

The concept of the 4 Villas relies on the use of the hedge in the master plan as a continuation of the house or the house as continuation of the master plan. By blending the house and the hedge we define not only the living inside space but as well the outside garden. There are no undefined spaces. The result fades the boundary between in and outside.

Another big aspect of the concept concerns the use of a large free garden space. The small patios are mainly associated with private rooms. This allows that each room has its own private garden space which doubles the actual size of the room. The blend between villa and hedge creates a secluded and private space which emphasizes the luxury character of the project.

The views are mainly oriented towards the inside however through the topography of the terrain one can enjoy as well the landscape views. The bigger villas have an upper floor that combines the representative aspect of the house as well as the possibility to look in the distance.

Client: Penta Invest
Competition: 02.2010 - 1st Prize
GBA: 1.868 m²

Planning: AllesWirdGut
Team: Guilherme da Rosa
