AGBExhibition ‚Weg schauen‘

  • Status:
  • Typology:
  • Location:Berlin (DE)
  • GBA:60 m²
  • Year:2012-03
  • PS:1–8

AGB – Exhibition

'Weg Schauen'

In their projects, AllesWirdGut Architects mainly focus on program and synergies. Buildings are networked strongly into their environment, circulation paths are arranged in and around buildings. Die exhibition entitled “Looking A-Way” explores the spatial experience along such sequences of pathways, illustrated in terms of two projects, the completed building of the Niederösterreichhous, Krems, and a competition entry for Wimmer Media, Linz.
The show centers on the publicly accessible pathways inside and between buildings and on the sequences of spaces that are created walking them. Building elements along a possible route are lined up in a fictitious straight trajectory, which results in a kind of layout plan or score of spatial experiences.
The abstract rendering brings out the elementary characteristics of the individual building parts and at the same time visualizes the many diverse possibilities of spatial sensation, which may widely differ depending on which path you take.

Client: AllesWirdGut
Architektur Galerie Berlin: 03.2012
AIT Architektursalon München: 10.2012
GBA: 60 m²

Planning: AllesWirdGut
Team: Jan Schröder, Johann Wittenberger, Lukas Morong

Photos: AllesWirdGut