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Just in time for our 20th anniversary, we now present our new booklet, which shows the completions of the last 5 years and ongoing projects of our office.

30.09.22 | “In Linz beginnt’s”

Our thirst for architectural knowledge led us to the Upper Austrian capital last week as part of a team excursion. One stop: the "Circus of Knowledge".

26.09.22 | 1st Prize

From a total of 46 submissions, our competition design with our consortium partner hertl.architekten for the Technical Administration Building in Düsseldorf was able to convince the jury.

19.09.22 | The Innovation Campus.

Our recent competition design for the KEBA Technology Park in Leonding, Pasching (AT) presents an innovative solution for new working environments – all under one roof with a maximum of freedom underneath.

Our ideas of a predictable future and the foreseeability of developments have been overtaken by the recent crises, and tomorrow's work has been radically changed in a very short time by pandemics, home office and digitization. However, in a crisis there is always an opportunity to initiate innovations. A matter of course for a successful technology company to react and develop visions for the future.

12.09.22 | BERRES:OnThePULSE

Our residential building project on Berresgasse, Vienna has recently entered the construction phase.

With a focus on subsidized housing and a developable floor space of 23 hectares, the area east of the recreational lake in Hirschstetten in Vienna’s 22nd district is considered as the next big urban development area in the city.

05.09.22 | Free Space After Free Space

Our design for the Holsteiner Strasse – Osterfeuerberg/ Bremen reorders the existing urban structure into a variform new quarter that fulfills multiple urban functions.

The center of the quarter is the new town square with a supermarket, café, and kindergarten. Oriented toward Holsteiner Strasse, it links the existing Brauereihof (cultural venue and restaurants) with the concave quarter’s square.

09.08.22 | Nominated

Our project FSF — Leisure and Sports Center in Fließ is nominated for this year's prize of the State of Tyrol for new building.

02.08.22 | Close in age, close at heart

Our project and competition winner in 2020 Anundo.Park in Mannheim has an architectural concept which promises its future residents one thing: to be less alone together.

It is a known fact that the realities of life change with age. In taking account of dynamic user needs, new residential forms have increasingly been a topic of architectural exploration. For the ANUNDO residential project in Mannheim, Germany, which is intended for people 55 and older, living spaces are grouped around semipublic circulation zones and communal areas in the center of the built volume.

25.07.22 | 1st Prize

Meet the Dürers – Our competition design proposing a seminal quarter for the redevelopment of the area around the former Lederer brewery in Nuremberg was well received by the jury.

A former beer garden named “Kulturbrauerei” (cultural brewery) on the premises of the shutdown Lederer brewery is given a renaissance as an identity-forming park that provides the starting point for the urban redevelopment of the area in North-Western Nuremberg. Around the well-established outdoor space, a seminal quarter is unfolding, comprised of three parts like a triptych by Dürer: Agnes,...

18.07.22 | 1st Prize

As a sign of its time our competition design for a roof over the Karmeliterhof in the City Museum St. Pölten presents itself self-confidently in symbiosis with the existing building.

From nunnery to barracks to cultural cosmos: The Carmelite Court inside the St. Pölten City Museum is about to get a roof, which—enclosed by walls steeped in history—allows for a variety of uses, from events to exhibitions.


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Just in time for our 20th anniversary, we now present our new booklet, which shows the completions of the last 5 years and ongoing projects of our office.