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Just in time for our 20th anniversary, we now present our new booklet, which shows the completions of the last 5 years and ongoing projects of our office.

06.03.23 | Excursion

Last week part of our team visited the Gösserhalle construction site in the 10th district of Vienna. The completion is scheduled for this year.

27.02.23 | How we work?

Marc Goodwin visited us in Vienna as part of his photo project “Atlas of Architectural Atmospheres”. The series of twelve selected offices was recently published on ArchDaily.

20.02.23 | 2nd Prize

In the open competition for the Cybersecurity Campus in Graz, our contribution was convincing due to its clear layout and the sophisticated solution in the transition to the existing university building and made it to 2nd place.

13.02.23 | It’s official

Our winning design for the New Technical Administration Building in Dusseldorf will be realized in consortium with Hertl.Architekten and FCP Fritsch, Chiari & Partner!

The design of the new Technical Administration Building of the municipality of Düsseldorf rests on the foundation of a permeable plinth and articulates the large built volume required in the competition brief as a slender tower of four interlocked tall blocks.

06.02.23 | The Final Straight

The construction site of Gösserhalle in the 10th district of Vienna is making good progress. Interior work has recently started. Completion is scheduled for this year.

Of brewing and building, from yesterday into tomorrow—the history of the so-called Gösserhalle in Favoriten, Vienna’s 10th district, is a checkered one. Ever since its construction the industrial building, originally built as a workshop premises by the ÖBB before 1900, then converted into a beer warehouse for the famous Gösser company in the middle of the last century and most recently repurposed...

30.01.23 | Living in the Auwald

Our proposal design for the new quarters on the WWE-Gründe in St. Pölten envisages a memorable square with light-footed "tree houses". The exhibition featuring the winning projects starts on the 27th of January.

24.12.22 | Office vacation

AllesWirdGut is closed from 24. December 2022 - 8 January 2023. From January 9th, 2023 you can reach us again as usual.

We wish you peaceful holidays and a happy new year!

19.12.22 | Under a lucky star

The preliminary design for the new roofing of the Karmeliterhof in the Stadtmuseum St. Pölten was recently presented to the client.

From nunnery to barracks to cultural cosmos: The Carmelite Court inside the St. Pölten City Museum is about to get a roof, which—enclosed by walls steeped in history—allows for a variety of uses, from events to exhibitions.


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Just in time for our 20th anniversary, we now present our new booklet, which shows the completions of the last 5 years and ongoing projects of our office.