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Just in time for our 20th anniversary, we now present our new booklet, which shows the completions of the last 5 years and ongoing projects of our office.

03.02.20 | Learning in focus

The basic urban motive of our design for the new lecture hall and event center of the University Bremen is the crossing of two axes on different Levels.

27.01.20 | Munich Update

Four of our Munich projects are currently under construction. One of them being the residential quarter of Prinz Eugen Park (with WUP_wimmerundpartner).

Shelves establish order, they provide structure and, like type cases, are open to various different contents. The municipally subsidized housing estate in Prinz-Eugen-Park is informed by the basic shape of the storage rack and brings new identity to what used to be military barracks premises.

20.01.20 | Those who want to get up high have to start at the bottom

Our high-rise project Račianska in Bratislava (SK) is already in the construction phase.

Encounter instead of loneliness. Activity against stagnation. The residential high-rises planned in Bratislava by AllesWirdGut with the collaboration of an international team of experts establish a pioneering built-up environment attractive enough to strengthen human interaction over the rampant indifference found in many places.

13.01.20 | Constructing in a Winter Wonderland

The construction site of our project Sports and Leisure Center in Fließ, Tyrol is making good progress.

20 years after their village center project, AllesWirdGut are now planning another gem of communal architecture in the village of Fließ in Vorarlberg. Within walking distance from the school and the village center, a mountain arena is being built for the local soccer club, which includes a tournament and a training pitch, a grandstand, swimming pool, track-and-field, tennis, and trend sports facilities...

16.12.19 | Topping-Out

The construction site of our project Ludlstraße in Munich is making good progress – the topping-out ceremony took place last week.

Polygonal residential blocks appear like sprinkled across the landscape, providing the accentuated background against a curtain-like foreground. Conceived as a variform and colorful urban-design mix, the site of the new Ludlstraße housing estate accommodates, aside from 373 residential units, a community center with artist studios, living communities and a multigenerational house, a family and counseling...

09.12.19 | Living in the tradition of the “Wiener Gemeindebau”

At our project Kappellenhof (together with feld72), the apartments were recently handed over to the tenants.

Uniquely situated around a spacious urban grove on Kapellenweg in Vienna’s 22nd district is a residential estate which, conceptually and aesthetically, is modeled on the municipal housing of the traditional Viennese Gemeindebau.

11.12.19 | Newsletter: “s’Glück is a Vogerl”

As the saying goes: Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. Or as one likes to say in Austria: s'Glück is a Vogerl (Luckiness is like a bird)

We have won a total of eight competitions this year. These include the recently won project for the Quarter Eichenstraße in Vienna (AT), the National Cyber ​​and Information Security Agency in Brno (CZE) and the two first prizes for the area of ​​the Spinelli Barracks in Mannheim (DE).

02.12.19 | 1st PRIZE!

As a general planner together with FCP, we won the first prize in the planning competition for the expansion of Düsseldorf Airport.

25.11.19 | Viennese Chameleon

We are happy to announce our 1st prize in the competition for Quarter Eichenstraße together with feld72.

Chameleons are small lizards living in trees. They are most commonly known for their ability to change their outward appearance. The versatile reptiles have in more than one way been an inspiration for the project in Eichenstraße in Vienna’s 12th district, realized cooperatively with feld72. For example, with respect to its formal aesthetic: fit in between a parish church, a tram depot, and the railway...


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Just in time for our 20th anniversary, we now present our new booklet, which shows the completions of the last 5 years and ongoing projects of our office.