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Just in time for our 20th anniversary, we now present our new booklet, which shows the completions of the last 5 years and ongoing projects of our office.

31.08.20 |120 subsidized apartments for Augsburg

The construction of our project RPA - Reese Park Augsburg (DE) is scheduled to start in November.

Parks are energy sources that generate biotic comfort zones—as is, and does, Reese Park. On the premises of former military barracks, a housing estate is being built with 120 subsidized apartments, an underground parking garage, and a community and counseling center.

17.08.20 | Kids and the City

Our design proposal for the urban development dialogue procedure Hafenkante in Bremen (DE) creates openness & scope for development – not just for kids.

27.08.20 | AllesWirdGut on Tour

Last week part of our team went to the construction sites of our Munich projects – FWA and LUD – to get an idea of ​​the construction progress on site.

20.07.20 | ArchitecTOUR

In an interview with Heinze, Friedrich Passler – Co-Founder of AllesWirdGut – speaks about our projects on the North Railway Area - one of the most exciting and closest urban development areas to Vienna's city center.

13.07.20 | Language Connects

To develop the specifications of the binding site plan of the urban development area Freiham Nord (MUC) into a community-oriented residential quarter we set on a design articulation of two construction sites.

In the process, the cubic outlines were sharpened to make the built volumes relate to one another more discernibly and emphasize the strong ensemble character between them.

16.07.20 | Newsletter

Something is going on between the Danube and Danube Canal - or: where former train drivers and captains salute each other by saying "Servus!" and "Grüß Gott!".

With its 75 hectares of freight station area of ​​the former Nordbahnhof and its "Gstetten" (Austrian for: fallow or waste land), the Nordbahn Quarter is one of Vienna's most exciting and, above all, the closest urban development area to the city center. Therefore we are happy to be able to contribute to this major project and have recently completed two projects in this district.

29.06.20 | Getting on a roll

The construction phase of the Residential Quarter + Day Care Center on Preußenstraße in Munich has just begun.

Contemporary housing is like an oasis. It springs up near arteries of life and provides fertile seedbeds that bring forth flourishing communities. Lined by an elevated railway track on the east side and functioning as a shielding cornerstone, the green mixed-use quarter by Munich’s Preußenstraße seeks to bracket its heterogeneous surroundings into a harmonious whole.


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Just in time for our 20th anniversary, we now present our new booklet, which shows the completions of the last 5 years and ongoing projects of our office.