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Just in time for our 20th anniversary, we now present our new booklet, which shows the completions of the last 5 years and ongoing projects of our office.

01.02.21 | AllesWirdGut Besser Gösser

Our design for the convertion of the Gösserhalle in 1100 Vienna received the 1st prize.

Of brewing and building, from yesterday into tomorrow—the history of the so-called Gösserhalle in Favoriten, Vienna’s 10th district, is a checkered one. Ever since its construction in 1902, this industrial building, originally used for the storage of beer in barrels and most recently repurposed as an event venue, has, with its distinctive façade with clinker-clad wide arches, defined the character...

25.01.21 | Start of Construction

Our residential quarter project on Preußenstraße in Munich started its construction phase.

Contemporary housing is like an oasis. It springs up near arteries of life and provides fertile seedbeds that bring forth flourishing communities. Lined by an elevated railway track on the east side and functioning as a shielding cornerstone, the green mixed-use quarter by Munich’s Preußenstraße seeks to bracket its heterogeneous surroundings into a harmonious whole.

18.01.21 | #living #tomorrow #affordable

In a video lecture for BAUonline 2021, Herwig Spiegl presents a (possible) glimpse into future living.

Development takes time. Those who have the time can research new things and don't have to keep going back to the familiar and well-tested measures. Those who have the time can listen to the residents, learn from their experiences and draw the right conclusions from them for a better tomorrow. Innovations themselves have to be explained. The user must be able to understand them so that he or she can actively...

11.01.21 | 2nd prize

At the BDA Hamburg Architecture Prize 2020, our project HHF - School Campus Hanhoopsfeld was awarded a 2nd prize.

14.12.20 | Zack Zack Zack

The construction site of our high-rise residential building project Račianska in Bratislava is progressing rapidly.

Encounter instead of loneliness. Activity against stagnation. The residential high-rises planned in Bratislava by AllesWirdGut with the collaboration of an international team of experts establish a pioneering built-up environment attractive enough to strengthen human interaction over the rampant indifference found in many places.

07.12.20 | Solid shell, soft core

for our competition entry for a garden city on Greifwalder Straße, Erfurt, we asked ourselves whether a monofunctional residential area with noise immissions from 3 sides could be turned into a lively living quarter. Well – yes!

30.12.20 | Let’s talk BIM

Julia Stockinger and Agron Deralla are our Building Information Modeling experts. In this video they share an insight into their and our working methods.

23.11.20 | BIM is magical

Our project EBS – Electronic Based Systems Center (together with FCP) on the Inffeldgasse campus of TU Graz, planned in openBIM, was recently completed.

The new building of the EBS Center on the Graz University of Technology’s Inffeld grounds marks a kind of starting and end point. As a figurative punctuation mark, the built volume was articulated as a free-standing complex.

26.11.20 | Newsletter

Our current newsletter informs about our recently completed project EBS - Electronic Based Systems Center project and our way of working with BIM - Building Information Modeling.


Send your order to and get your issue for 27,90 Euro (incl. shipping).

Just in time for our 20th anniversary, we now present our new booklet, which shows the completions of the last 5 years and ongoing projects of our office.