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Just in time for our 20th anniversary, we now present our new booklet, which shows the completions of the last 5 years and ongoing projects of our office.

07.06.21 | Construction site

Our residential quarter project on Preußenstraße in Munich is currently in the middle of the construction phase.

Contemporary housing is like an oasis. It springs up near arteries of life and provides fertile seedbeds that bring forth flourishing communities. Lined by an elevated railway track on the east side and functioning as a shielding cornerstone, the green mixed-use quarter by Munich’s Preußenstraße seeks to bracket its heterogeneous surroundings into a harmonious whole.

17.05.21 | Just in time for the opening of the gastronomy

Just in time for the opening of the gastronomy – the Mühltalhof in Neufelden shines in new splendor and invites you to experience, enjoy and relax.

A place that makes people and water go slow is home to a jewel of a retreat for culinary hedonists: the Mühltalhof hotel and restaurant. The wish of one of the best chefs in the country (Philip Rachinger) to upgrade and expand the kitchen of the sixth-generation hospitality business prompted the renewed architectural expression of […]

10.05.21 | Construction site finish

Our high-rise project Bruckner Tower in Linz together with Hertl.Architekten is now in its final phase.

On the premises of the former Bruckner University, an architectural symbiosis of living and education weaves into an urban design symphony in the urban fabric. A lively quarter building block, the Bruckner Tower on the north side of Linz contributes to creating a connected built-up ensemble and provides a varied and livable urban space.

03.05.21 | Supercampus green, not gray

Our design and urban planning proposal for the competition Freising Schulzentrum Wippenhauser Straße (DE) envisages a dovetailing of urbanity and nature.

26.04.21 | New Work

Our competition design proposal for an "urban place" at Servatiiplatz and for the future location of the WDR Country Studios in Münster presents an innovative use concept with an ecological, green answer.

19.04.21 | News from Munich

The shell construction of the dormitory of our project Perlach Plaza was recently completed. The construction work is progressing rapidly.

Perlach Plaza is a hub, a signboard, and a calling card. With its urban mixed use of retail, service businesses, restaurants, residential units, and a hotel, it has a central urban-design function in the development of the new KulturQuadrat center on Munich’s Hanns-Seidel-Platz.

20.04.21 | 4 competition wins and 4 direct assignments…

... our year has already been very successful. More information about our new projects can be found in our current newsletter.

Of brewing and building, about frog princes, rare potato varieties and former military premises. What reads like keywords from a newfangled fairy tale describes the start of our year and our latest competition successes in terms of content and concept.

12.04.21 | At the Danube & above

Our competition-proposal for the Fernbus-Terminal & connection to Stadium Center together with hertl.architekten presents a high-rise on the banks of the Danube as a continuation of the waterfront silhouette.


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Just in time for our 20th anniversary, we now present our new booklet, which shows the completions of the last 5 years and ongoing projects of our office.