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Just in time for our 20th anniversary, we now present our new booklet, which shows the completions of the last 5 years and ongoing projects of our office.

24.01.22 | A good house

Our project High-rise residential buildings Račianska, Bratislava — also known as "Guthaus" — was selected as one of the top 5 residential projects in Slovakia on

26.01.22 | To all the Outside-The-Box Architects:

We might have just the right work place for you!

You want to accompany and take care of an architectural project from start to completion?⁠ You are determined to take on responsibility based on your experience, and able to work goal-oriented?⁠ Then we have good news: we are looking for you to join our team in Munich!⁠

17.01.22 | Memories

An exhibition entitled “Remembrance in Architecture” is taking place at AIT ArchitekturSalon until February 28, 2022, which we supported with a sketch.

13.12.21 | Sustainable Office Shelves for the Work World of the Future

Our competition entry for an office ensemble on Kruppstraße 30 in Stuttgart received 2nd prize.

The design by AllesWirdGut delivers on the promise of a future of flexible work by creating an office building as an open-shelf system that offers multiple versatile green spaces: Expanded work areas on balconies, terraces, or a garden house not only provide for a perfect setting for collective activity; the office complex also makes a valuable contribution to the local microclimate and biodiversity....

06.12.21 | 1st Prize

Sustainable, simple, beautiful - our competition entry for the Hitachi Columbus Campus in Mannheim (DE) had a lasting effect on the jury.

It’s a simple concept: the simpler something is formulated, the more easily it is understood. This is also true of the architectural language of the Hitachi Columbus Campus in Mannheim, Germany. With its transparent appearance, the office complex by AllesWirdGut stands for a sustainable corporate attitude—and also demonstrates that resource-saving construction, climate-neutral operation, and contemporary...

29.11.21 | 3rd Prize

3 Houses for Leobersdorf

In the HB Leobersdorf peer review process, we won the 3rd prize with our design of 3 houses with a communicative center.

22.11.21 | A family with really strong types

we received recognition for our contribution to the 2-phase competition Living at the Saurer Allma Areal, Kempten together with our friends from Treibhaus Landschaftsarchitektur.

17.11.21 | NEWSLETTER

Bread & Games

Bread and games! For our two most recent completions this motto says it all. Not like in ancient Rome, where the Caesars kept the people quiet with this concept. No! At AllesWirdGut it is much more a matter of eating and playing whatever and as much your heart desires!

08.11.21 | A breath of fresh air

Last week our team gathered new impressions on a construction site excursion to the Vienna high-rise projects DC3-Tower (DUA) and TwentyTwo (DMAA).


Send your order to and get your issue for 27,90 Euro (incl. shipping).

Just in time for our 20th anniversary, we now present our new booklet, which shows the completions of the last 5 years and ongoing projects of our office.